Confused Kira is confused. And my head hurts. Joy.
Perhaps watching some violent cartoon will help.
Because, like what a really good friend of mine said, Pain + Kira = Funny. :D
And I do believe laughter is the best medicine.
Asdfghjkl. I shall from now on keep blog posts short because nowadays not many things are happening.
'Kay. That is all. I have a very bad headache.
P.S. Is it weird that I miss Jerrald and Hong Wei? roflmao.
♥ 6:45 PM
Asdfghjkl. My eyes are burning.
Leon, Sky, Ken and some other people all forced me to make a Tumblr, since I'm the only one among my friends who doesn't have one. it took them a hell lot of persuading!
finally I decided to make a Tumblr and it was confusing as hell!
I don't want to explain any further because I'm already having a headache from editing this... Tumblr thing. xD
anyway, I wonder if my Tumblr is connected to this blog? :O I did everything I can but... *sigh* confused Kira is confused.
and I may spam. Bwahahaha. 8D
Eh. not much to say today. 'Cept my friends and I are probably going to watch Megamind next week! Yay!
*coughcough* Harry Potter, why are you being released so late!? *coughcough*
I'd like to keep this short. :] Baibai!
♥ 11:19 PM